Monday, April 30, 2012

Perkins Has Closed

In case you haven't heard the news, Perkins suddenly shut down yesterday, for good.  As with most folks (including, apparently, their general manager), this came as a complete surprise to me.  I feel especially bad for Chris and others we got to know there, who always made us feel welcome and did a great job waiting on us and such, who are suddenly out of a job, after years of faithful service.  I don't know any particulars of the lawsuit settlement, but with a major community church as the property owner, I just can't help thinking a better outcome than this should have been possible.

As for our group, however, I'm hoping we can move on from this as quickly as we can and find a new location that suits our needs.  If anyone has suggestions for a new place to meet, please email or call ASAP if you'd like me to contact them.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

KY-WV Tourney Results

Yesterday's first (annual?) Kentucky-West Virginia Tournament is now in the record books.  I hope everyone had a great time, I sure did!  I was especially pleased with the Carter Caves facility and staff...they provided everything we needed for a quiet, comfortable playing environment, all at a very reasonable price.  Best of all, however, was your positive attitude and patience with my (sometimes clumsy) handling of any issues that came up during the day.  Major thanks to the WV folks in agreeing to play with us, and especially Brad as co-director, a seasoned veteran at keeping things running smoothly.

The full results are below.  Thanks again, everyone...let's do this again!

Division A

Rank  Name (Seed)                OldR   Wins  Sprd  PerfR  NewR 
  1.  Broering, Marc (A001)   1782   6.0   620   1766  1781        1st place, $100, high win, $10
  2.  Bush, Steve (A002)         1563   6.0   589   1902  1584        2nd place, $60
  3.  Scott, Will (A004)           1392   4.0   190   1272  1380        3rd place, $25
  4.  Mcguffin, Aaron (A006)  1184   4.0    43   1440  1208 
  5.  Mills, Brad (A007)           1112   3.0   -17   1266  1126 
  6.  Webb, Thomas (A009)     1018   3.0   -40   1210  1043 
  7.  Meredith, David (A005)  1287   3.0  -184   1264  1285 
  8.  Wade, Andrew (A008)     1072   3.0  -211   1200  1083       High loss, $7.50
  9.  Carty, George (A003)       1539   2.0  -196   0922  1479 
 10.  Wade, Brad (A010)         0849   1.0  -794   0662  0832 

Division B

Rank  Name (Seed)                  OldR   Wins  Sprd  PerfR  NewR 
  1.  Bledsoe, Victoria (B004)  0704   6.0   435   1205  0752      1st place, $100, high loss, $7.50
  2.  Green, Lisa (B001)           0829   6.0   381   1142  0852       2nd place, $60
  3.  King, Betty (B003)           0744   6.0   185   1228  0789       3rd place, $25
  4.  Ross, Christopher (B002) 0817   5.0   376   0893  0825 
  5.  Carper, Gavin (B006)       0599   4.0   157   0734  0621       High win, $10
  6.  Hatton, Janice (B007)       0582   3.0   -84   0600  0585 
  7.  Hehl, Thomas (B005)       0674   2.0  -214   0328  0623 
  8.  Coovert, Cheryl (B010)    0400   2.0  -420   0366  0397 
  9.  Carman, Andrea (B008)   0541   1.0  -422   0065  0484 
 10.  Scheeline, Janet (B009)  0485   0.0  -394   0000  0407

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Club results for April 22

Looks like there was a small turnout!
W - L
HuLLOING 76       ALIG(H)TED 63
      BAT(H)ING 77
SIN(L)ESS 74     (E)O(S)INES 76
      NETTLES 67       B(E)LOVED 76
      LINAGES 74      
Next Saturday is the Carter Caves KY-WV showdown!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Club Tomorrow

Who will be at club tomorrow?  Not me, but I hope to see everyone at Carter Caves next Saturday!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April Official Results

In spite of the fantastic spring weather, we had a great turnout! Here are the results from April's official meeting:

Will, 1-0, +41, ACROSTIc 74, NEROLIS 69

Steve, 3-1, +391, LoNGERS 77, OUTSWOrE 70, APERIES 82, MANLIER 83, IBOGAINE 76

Victoria, 3-2, +351, ENTaILS 80, TENNERS 65, TRIGgER 68, SUDSINg 78, LOUDNESS 63, ENTaSIA 72

Tom Webb, 1-1, +86, rELOADS 77, RESTRING 80, RESTING 72, LATHIER 74, URAnITE 66

Cheryl, 2-2, -274, STEEPING 62

Betty, 1-2, -71, RUINERS 79

Janny, 1-2, -286

Tom Hehl, 1-3, -239, NOOdLES 64, TEDDERS 79, UNPARTED 61, PETITION 64, JesTERS 68

The cumulative stats link has been updated also. Hope to see you next time!

Friday, April 13, 2012

April Official Meeting

We'll be meeting from 2-6pm this coming Sunday, April 15, for our montly official meeting. Take a break from your taxes, and come out and join us!

If you can, please post in the comments if you'll be attending, though you're welcome to drop in regardless.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Club and Tourney Announcements

Hi everyone,

Just a couple of items:

1) No Club Meeting 4/8

Due to the Easter holiday, there will NOT be a club meeting (official or casual) this Sunday (4/8). Instead, this month our official meeting will be the 3rd Sunday, April 15, from 2-6 pm. I hope you can make it!

2) Carter Caves Tourney

The KY-WV tourney continues to draw interest; we're now up to a total of 25 potential entrants listed at cross-tables. However, I'm still awaiting registration fees from a significant number of KY entrants. Please get that to me soon if you haven't already done so, or let me know if you're no longer planning to attend.

Also, good news! Lodge rooms at Carter Caves are now available on Friday night! The rate is $64.95, but if you stay both Friday and Saturday night the rate drops to $50/night. To get these rates, reserve by phone and mention that you're with the Scrabble group.

There's plenty of room for more entrants, so pass the word!

Monday, April 2, 2012

4/1 Results

Here are yesterday's results:

Betty 3-0, +375, NAILERS 86, FULLNeSS 64, BRAISED 76, SNORTED 71

Cheryl 2-1, -136, COURSED 79, POTtInG 76, AlLoTTED 59

Steve 0-2, -36, lEMURINE 67, AGNATES 78

Janny 0-2, -203

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Club today (4/1)

I'll be there today, and that's no April Fool's joke. :) Who else?