Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 2 Fenton

I did pretty well on day two. I went 4-3, +220 and won the class prize (as I did last Fenton open tourney) for 45 bucks so I was pretty happy with that. I played a pretty tough field (1124, 1377, 1504, 1537, 1637, 1792, 1804), and I think I'll gain some rating. I crushed my record for high tourney game, scoring 652 against Cheryl Melvin (1124). 4 bingos (CAVINGS, GENITALS, BOASTERS, MEUNIERE - triple triple) and almost all of the good tiles. Getting the 400 spread points from that game really went a long way (put me high enough up to win class prize). More game write-ups to follow this week sometime.

EDIT: It looks like I'll gain around 50 rating points for the weekend, its hard to tell exactly because the ratings will change slightly between day 1 and day 2


John M. Spangler said...

652 points in a single game, wow! Soon you will be entering the 700 Club.

Will Scott said...

Wow! That was a heck of a weekend performance. Congratulations.

John M. Spangler said...

50 points was a good estimate, but NSA has results posted now, and it's actually 53. From 1417 to 1451 on Day 1, and from 1451 to 1470 on Day 2. Looks like you won't be in the 1400's for long!