Wednesday, November 26, 2014

new blog

Anyone interested (bored? haha) enough, here's my new BlogSpot tournament link -  It's a lot, so didn't want to log the main body of our club site.  If others are interested in posting tournament experiences of any and all shapes and sizes, please let me know.  We could depersonalize the blog name and address to reflect it as "Club" and maybe a direct link to it on the side of our main club site.


Will Scott said...

I always like these reports. I hope others do too.

Steve said...

I think this is a great idea, and I like that it's in a separate location linked from the club blog. I'd be willing to post my tourney experiences there if you're ok with it, starting with last weekend (if I can find some time to write something up).

Matthew Ridout said...

Absolutely! I would change the name to not include my own, make it club-centric. Or it may make more sense for me to recreate the blog with a new title and password