We will be having a single-day, seven-round Scrabble tournament here in Lexington on Saturday, November 21. The event will be held at the meeting room for VFW Post 680 at 1494 Leestown Road, Lexington. In the blog's sidebar, there is a link to Google Maps for the VFW's address.
Registrants for this tournament must be members of the NASPA, the North American Scrabble Players Association. Annual dues for NASPA are $30; there is also a six-month trial membership available for $15.
The tourney has been approved by NASPA and is posted on the NASPA tournament calendar; it is also now up on Cross-Tables. Here are links to the tourney flyer and the tourney entrants' list as posted on Cross-Tables.
Format will be round robin. Divisions and prize amounts to be determined by number of entrants. The deadline for entry is Thursday, November 19, but please register early (tentatively is fine) so that we will have some idea on how many to expect.
Tentative registration requests or questions may be sent to either of our club directors, Joetta Wilkinson at scrabbledirmom@aol.com or John Spangler at JMSinKY@aol.com, who will be co-directing the tourney.